We provide sacred containers for experiences of healing and transformation, in which participants may connect with the power of the plants and the source of wisdom within themselves.

Our guides have dedicated decades to the practice of ceremony, apprenticed with elders in Amazonian earth-based traditions, and studied with masters of yoga, meditation, and integral, somatic and art-based therapies.

Our training in trauma-informed psychology ensures that our containers are physically, energetically, psychologically, and spiritually clear and safe for all.


After decades of dedication to our own consciousness practices, and deep research at the cutting edge of science, we have no doubt about the capacity of plant medicine to support healing and transformation.

Plants help us clear what is stuck, circulate what is stagnant, and metabolize unconscious material into embodied understandings that empower new possibilities.

With the support of community and ongoing integration practices, this work of transformation goes beyond techniques and therapies to address the deep needs of our souls, and align us with lives of beauty and meaning.


We will be with you for every step—witnessing, listening, and holding compassionate space for all that arises. Preparation and integration of the journey expands our capacity to make meaning from our experience, and ground that meaning into our lives. Each session takes place inside a continuum of support, beginning with an hour long consultation, during which we discuss your experience, intention, concerns and questions, share resources, and design a template for preparation. We are overjoyed to share our integration tools, our love for the medicine, and our reverence for the healer within you.

If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving, and for once could do nothing, perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves. Perhaps the earth can teach us, as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive.

Pablo Neruda