Nature, ceremony, community, yoga, creativity. These practices that ground and clear me are central to who I am; they are the spiritual technologies of balance, release and renewal that keep my feet on the ground and chin up, in a world that keeps breaking my heart. I have been dedicated to these paths of consciousness for decades and my devotion is always growing.

I am deeply grateful for the honor of holding space for others to safely enter into relationship with the sacred in nature and in ourselves.There is no gift more precious than the honor of serving the medicine as it guides us to our own deepest wisdom, as our accumulated armor softens, as fictions of separation are released, as eyes and hearts open wider, and we remember the truth of our belonging in the beauty of the earth, together.



MA student in East West Psychology (currently enrolled)
California Institute of Integral Studies

BA in Ecopsychology
Naropa University 

Additional trainings and certifications: 

Yoga Teacher Certification
8 Limbs Institute

Rolfing Certification Program
Dr. Ida Rolf Institute

Massage Certification 
Esalen Institute